Do not be moved, says the LORD! Do not be moved, my children! Though life and death itself, would attempt to threaten your resolve, do not be moved from this season I have given unto you! For surely, it is your season! Therefore, HOLD FAST unto all I have spoken to you! Regardless, of the lies of the wind and the waves, hold fast unto all I have spoken to you! For of a certainty, your season is upon you and it is your time! Refuse to let go, says the LORD! For I have given this season unto you and it is yours for the taking! Therefore, take it! Receive what I have given with a tenacious faith in my faithfulness!
For surely, as the night has swallowed up your day, it is finally time for your day to dispel your night! Let your night, even your midnight, be made to bend it's knee to the breaking of your new day! And let even the smallest evidence of the sorrows of your night, be lost even to your most distant memory…to be swallowed up in my joy! Yes! To be swallowed up in my joy! For, I have declared that you be healed even from it's every wound! For surely, even now, I gather up the shattered shreds of your broken heart, within the cup of my hands! And with the kiss of my love, I bring healing, wholeness, and yes...resurrection, to even the deep places of your manifold broken heart. Yes, and with many kisses, your life shall be restored! Do you feel my kisses? For surely, I am gently bestowing my tender kisses upon the broken places in your heart and in your life, even now. Even now.
Let the evidences thereof be made manifest for all to see. And though your tears have flowed as the waters of a great waterfall, I will not dry them says the LORD of hosts! Rather, I will exchange your tears of sorrow with tears of joy! Yes, with joy unspeakable and full of glory! For, I have so mandated! And I have so decreed! Therefore, hold fast my children! Hold fast to your hope! Hold fast to your faith in my faithfulness! Hold fast to the authority my son bought and paid for — for you, with the monies of His blood! Hold fast, my children! Hold fast! For your season is not near...but, your season is here!