Water Walking FAITH

    Understanding how the LORD moves in our lives to accomplish His will, is key to allowing Him to successfully have His way with us, the way He has always intended. For so many of us, our lack of understanding of the what and how the LORD moves in our perspective worlds, has kept us from being able to enjoy the badly needed mightiest moves of His Spirit during the most critical times in our walks and in our lives.

The LORD faithfully opens the windows of Heaven and sends forth the answers to our every prayer from up to the very greatest request—down to what would be considered the very least hearts desire. Yet, despite His faithfulness, He sees by far, most of the prayers He answers continue to go unanswered— despite the fact that He has sent answers to every single prayer from His end! In fact, it remains a marvel of irony to Him, that He answers prayers that are all too often, rarely received.  

Mostly, the problem has been in the way that we believe. The belief system He has given us is divided into two distinct legs; FAITH and TRUST! At first glance, these two outlets seem to be identical but, upon closer examination we find that the distinction between these two powers reveal themselves to be as different from one another as one step is from another step, or as night is to the day! And it is for lack of grasping the roles that each of these legs play in our lives that has literally crippled our walk, our relationship with the LORD and with it blocked access for us, potentially some of mightiest moves of the Holy Spirit, planned for our lives!

GOD moves in our lives in two ways; He does the work 'for' us—and/or He does the work, 'through' us. When He does the work for us, we put our TRUST in Him and He moves completely apart from our interaction or our physical involvement. Even our prayers mostly consist of trusting the LORD with our cares or casting our cares on the LORD. Here in the TRUST arena, we learn what it means to die to a thing or to "let go and let GOD!" 

Now, if in the step of TRUST, the LORD moves apart from my efforts, conversely, in a step of FAITH, He moves through my efforts in complete concert, interaction. He moves through my actions, my words, and even my gifts and talents! Even my prayers in the FAITH realm are different. For by FAITH, I may spend time praying or interceding instead of simply entrusting Him with my troubles and letting go as the TRUST arena might dictate! By FAITH, I may take to exercising my spiritual authority over the enemy, or believing and receiving.

My TRUST in Him is revealed by my inaction. For, if I am truly trusting Him to do the work, then my attempt to take control and do it myself, will be an act of distrust. Therefore, inaction or inactivity is the corresponding behavior to sincere TRUST! I don't have to act because GOD is acting on my behalf. I don't have to fight because the battle is not mine but, the LORD's! I don't have to defend myself because GOD is my defender and defense! I don't have to do the work because, GOD will work it out!

FAITH, on the other hand, isn't revealed by my inaction but rather—by my action! For, as it is written "...faith without works is dead." (James 2:18) Therefore, if TRUST 'let's go'—FAITH...takes what GOD has given. If GOD fights FOR me when I ENTRUST something to Him—He fights THROUGH me, by FAITH! For, while TRUST is still, FAITH is moving, working, speaking, doing...! Indeed, for while TRUST is at rest, and waiting on GOD to do the work, FAITH is acting— doing the work!

Both sides of the coin are vitally important in successfully walking in the Spirit, in the full manifestation of our relationship with the LORD...as well as in the full benefits and blessings of the Kingdom Of GOD. 

It is in learning to understand where TRUST in GOD ends and FAITH in GOD begins; or where FAITH in GOD ends and TRUST in GOD begins. It's in understanding where these two steps in our walk may sometimes overlap and to what degree—that determines if we are able to successfully find and settle into a true and intimate relationship with the LORD...as well as fully realizing our citizenship within the Kingdom Of GOD, in ever area of our lives! 

This becomes innately easy to discern especially, when you understand the purpose and place of both dimensions. The breakdown occurs when I presume to limit myself to operating in one dimension over the other because, I'm more comfortable in either trying to make something happen or in waiting for something to happen. In a very real sense, I may be limiting myself to attempting to navigate some of life's roughest terrain... hopping on one foot or the other, when most of the time both feet are absolutely needed just to stand chance, in this world! This life demands that I understand how to flow on both sides of the river in order to be able to successfully walk on the water, by faith!

In walking with GOD, there is a time for one step, and there is a time for the other step! There is a time to wait, and there is a time to act! There is a time to enter into His rest, and there is a time to produce! There is a time to be still, and then there is a time to move! The LORD will always be speaking in your heart as to when to do which. If I find that I'm not sure which He is saying, it is a clear indication that I need to take a step through prayer! It doesn't matter which step; the prayer of FAITH (believe and receive) or the prayer of TRUST when I ENTRUST my concerns over into His care. "Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you." (1Pet 5:7) I will need to spend time praying—releasing my control or anyone else's supposed control over what may be happening...and give the problem completely over into GOD's control. I will cast my care on the LORD. If my natural tendency is to step off in the authority of FAITH, the LORD will often lead me to make steps of trusting Him, calling me to die to a thing or to 'let go and let GOD'...for development's of my weak leg's, sake because...two legs are better than one! If my tendency is more to wait on GOD, He will more often move me to act in faith...for development's of my weak leg's, sake because...two legs are better than one!

So, after Ive prayed bit, I will begin to sense His peace! In other words, I pray until there is peace! However, I'm not focused on looking for GOD's peace, I'm focused on taking steps towards the LORD and giving my problem over to Him, trusting in His sovereign plan...or exercising my authority in the situation and believing and receiving! Invariably, His peace will come as a sign that He has received what I have offered up into His hand, and He will be moving for me...or that He is has given me the grace to act in His authority, as He will be moving through me! Blessed is he who manages to walk fluently in both worlds!

From the vantage of peace, I will be able to be much more sensitive in walking with the LORD in what He has been trying to show me, that I might better understand what to do. Or sometimes, I may not know what exactly to do but, I will feel the FAITH, the wherewithal, or the 'can do it' within me to do something or even to fix the problem...often not knowing how—at least not at first. But, as I move by FAITH ignited by GOD's authority within me, things ultimately come together and work out, as I continue to address them, by FAITH...one step at a time!

Now, it is easy to confuse walking by faith when really, it may be pressure driving me into trying to take control of the situation in fear! Let your peace or lack thereof, be your litmus test in this. Pray until there is peace, before you move by FAITH, one step at a time!

As the LORD takes the time to develop both legs in us, He will want to develop a flow between the two legs so that we actually begin getting somewhere and going places with Him! I may set a solution in motion, with a step of FAITH—whether it be through a prayer, a moving towards restoration or reconciliation, a declaration of FAITH, or a corresponding action. But afterwards, I must release it and let it go—as I take another step of TRUSTING GOD and His sovereign plan regarding the thing that I did my part in, by FAITH! For after that I have said my piece, prayed my piece, or done my piece, I must again in prayer, let go and make sure that in my heart, it is in the LORD's hands. And, even after I've ENTRUSTED the circumstances into His care, I will continue to carefully watch and pray over the situation that I might continue to be sensitive to any further part I might be given to play in His plan. In this way, a step gives way to another step, and yields to another step...until it develops into…a walk! Soon, that walk with Him will develop into something that can very often very much feel more like...a dance! Yes! A beautiful, flowing, and in sync...dance! FAITH...TRUST...FAITH...TRUST.........FAITH, yes dance, dance..! Don't lose step, now! That's it! Your doing it! FAITH....TRUST....TRUST…FAITH FAITH...TRUST...etc…! Look how beautiful you and JESUS look together! What a flow! What a sight you are!

But beware, though! Sometimes, in taking steps of TRUST, if your not careful, you can make the mistake of getting stuck in your TRUST step—letting GOD's peace anesthetize you so that you're, without realizing it, 'hiding' in GOD's peace—not wanting to face the fearful, stressful situation that they may be in. If you find yourself not wanting to look at the situation, think about the situation, or deal with the situation, in the name of 'trusting GOD' then, it is a good possibility that you may have fallen out of GOD's peace and into living in denial. It can often look and even feel similar to trusting GOD but, depending upon your situation, it can easily prove to be the most fatal form of presumption, of all!

And as you begin to mature in your faith walk, you soon begin to realize that the LORD was always faithful to you—even when in your heart, you couldn't help but feel that He let you down during some of the most critical times in your life! But now, as you are more successfully walking with the LORD by faith, you realize...that was never true! You come to understand that it was during the most critical times in your life, that you 'lost step' with GOD in your faith walk with Him; that He faithfully tossed the ball of opportunity or the ball of answered prayer to us in answer to our EVERY prayer! It was we who dropped the ball or often...missed it completely!

And you will find yourself falling in love with Him all over again, as you once did in the beginning of your salvation experience! And you will finally know what it means to walk with Him and talk with Him as two lovers frolicking among the lilies, of this life...or miraculously walking atop the the turbulent drowning waters of this life! And He will finally be able to reveal Himself and all His beauty to you because of the faithfulness and closeness of your walk with Him! 

Yes, soon you will come to realize how deeply He really does love you; and that He is in fact love personified...giving personified...kindness personified! So many times, you thought the LORD was saying "No" when He was in fact, faithfully answering you with a loving, giving, kindness..."Yes"!

You just couldn't keep up!

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