by the green pastor
For the most part, waiting on GOD is an unavoidable yet important part of our relationship with the Him! It is in our learning to wait upon Him that He has our complete attention, for which He uses as an opportunity to develop His relationship with us. Unfortunately, many of us end up waiting on the LORD longer than the LORD actually intended. As a result, many facets of our walk, from our faith to our promised fruit, quite literally...have died on the proverbial vine!
Consider, that it was GOD's intention that Moses and the Israelites, original season to cross over into their Promised Land was only a short 10 days after leaving Egypt. Instead, it took them some 40 years of cycling over and over around the same mountains before they could finally inherit what was originally promised to them too many decades earlier! For the LORD, it was grievously heartbreaking, for which rivers of hot tears flowed down His face unceasingly, for 40 years!
Likewise, the heart of GOD is grieved today, that so many of His children have found themselves missing His intended due dates for their answered prayer...and often by many seasons over! And the Father's face is continuously wet with the tears of His grief, as He watches His children dying in desert places...not receiving His promises to them!
At the heart of the biggest reason as to why GOD's children are so often missing their seasons, is because of a deep spiritual weariness that comes from waiting on GOD for too long...the wrong way!
In the mid to late 1980's I opened a sign shop. I was contracted to build the sign for a business owner who owned several beauty salons. His opening days was in 4 weeks. I was to have his sign put up in 3. I was determined that on this, my first big job, I would depend completely upon GOD to lead me in painting the sign. I prayed everyday for some 10 to 12 hours for 3 weeks for GOD's leadership in painting the sign. I received none. Finally, the owner called me as I was going to be late for his opening day! "My sign or my deposit, back...TODAY!" He indignantly shouted at me! I apologetically promised him I would have his sign up. Shaken and frustrated, I began to just go ahead and paint the sign! Suddenly, instruction and grace for what the LORD wanted me to paint and how, began to flow in me like living water! I began to move in a supernatural creativity, at a supernatural pace! It was so amazing! I questioned the LORD in my heart! "Why do you always have to wait until the midnight hour to do these things?!" The LORD replied back, immediately! "Son, I gave you the grace to do this 3 weeks ago but, faith without works is dead!" (Selah)
James 2:26 says "For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also."
My corresponding action, gives life to my faith, as a man's spirit gives life to his body! And so even as a man dies when his spirit leaves his body, so a man's faith dies when there is a cessation of accompanying works or corresponding action! Without movement, my faith was rendered to what I've since come to call 'Dead Faith'! All that 3 weeks of waiting on the GOD without corresponding action, quite literally...killed my faith!
For the most part, true waiting on the LORD, is actually my moving in 'living faith', to give the LORD something to work with! He can't do anything with dead faith! My faith must have a pulse! And only I have the power to give it one! (Selah)
Heb 11:1 says "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."
Now, my faith is the substance of what I'm hoping for or confidently expecting from the LORD! In other words, my faith is the substance, or the 'body' of what I'm believing for. My faith, in the truest sense, is the body of my salvation; is the body of my healing; is the body of my provision! Indeed, my faith is the substance, or the body of whatever I am praying about! My accompanying action, is what gives those bodies...the breath of LIFE! Without which, my healing could be given, but dead to me! My provision could be given, but dead to me! My deliverance could be given, but dead to me! "For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also."
Many of GOD's children have given up hope that He would deliver them after praying and waiting on the LORD for so many months and even years, with seemingly not so much as a peep from heaven, aside from ongoing promises from GOD as to what He WILL do. Not realizing that all this time, GOD Himself has also been waiting; ever waiting...for a pulse!
And many Christians initially provided a strong pulse, at least in the beginning! But, when we grew impatient and became discouraged almost immediately after our seemingly first volley of failed faith attempts, our pulse began to...weaken as we stopped waiting on the LORD in living faith! Oh, you may still be waiting for GOD to somehow pour woopy dust from heaven and do something supernatural, but have stopped moving. You have stopped giving GOD something to work with! You have stopped waiting upon the LORD, in the way He's needing us to—to bring about what we're asking of Him! As a result, our faith's pulse...has flatlined...
/\ wou wait inactively on the LORD for days, weeks, months, years, and even...decades! /\_______________...Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeppp....
Waiting on the LORD is all about waiting in active, 'living' faith! Not waiting in inactive, dead faith! The LORD needs LIVING faith to work with. He requires faith that moves, acts, walks, talks, and works! For, "…as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also." (Selah)
Waiting Actively on GOD gives Him something to work with, But also, it gives Him something to 'WALK' with! For, it is when I move or 'walk' in living faith, that I allow him to bring me into sync with the pulse or heartbeat with the Living GOD! Two hearts beating as one. Not at first though. At first, my heart, beats in living search of His heartbeat. It is the LORD that aligns our hearts, as my pulsating Heart searches for His as I continue to wait on Him, in living faith!
It is when the LORD, drawn, attracted, and meets me, within the pulsating intimacy of my living faith, in Him...that He covers my bosom with His own...aligning our hearts until they beat as one intimately communing heart! It is here, that my faith becomes pregnant; birthing forth a seamless and fulfilling flow between He and I, in all things—that fills my life with...possibilities, and becomes by very meaning for living!
The LORD spoke to Abram in Gen 12:1 Now the Lord had said unto Abram, "Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee."
Notice, that the LORD didn't actually tell Abram where He was going until Abram began to walk and so wait on GOD in some living faith. As Abram packed his stuff and left His father's house, the LORD was able to sync Abram's heartbeat to His own to lead Him, guide him, and work His will and plan in Abram's life!
Some of us are afraid to move unless we get a specific direction from the Holy Spirit! But often, GOD only gives us one word..."Go!" Sometimes, the LORD will give you a general direction to do something that He won't offer any specifics to you until you...'Go!' Other times, you may not necessarily even hear your 'Go!' But, you'll sense it, or 'feel' that's what you're supposed to do!
'GOing' In The Wrong Direction
In this, Abram teaches us that even if GOD's plan is for me to go North, and I, not sure what GOD's specific plan is except only to 'Go' I end up going South, as an act of Living Faith! It's when I begin moving in Living Faith, in search of GOD's heartbeat, that He will be able to align my heartbeat to His own and lead me, guide me or even cause my southernly direction path, to end up...North!
In like fashion, the LORD commissioned Paul and Barnabas to 'Go' and preach the Gospel to the Gentiles! Paul immediately headed for Asia. Right as Paul was about to practically cross the Asian border, the LORD stopped him and revealed to him where HE wanted Him to go...which was to Macadonia! In this case, Paul didn't receive the syncing leadership of the Holy Spirit, right off! Paul had to 'Go' and keep 'GOing' search of GOD's heartbeat, waiting upon the LORD, in his 'Go'!
The Bible describes our salvation as more of a process that must be worked out with fear and trembling. Moses had to repeatedly go back and forth to Egypt some 11 times before GOD's process of salvation was worked out for the release of the Israelites from Pharaoh's captivity!
There is a cry echoing from Heaven! The LORD in His sovereign love is determined that His heart cannot bear that one more of His children will miss another one of their seasons! He is resolved..."No more"! The LORD cries out through His streaming tears of anguish! "No more, will my children be claimed by the desert places in their lives, as they wait on me...albeit in dead faith—for me to save them! No more, can I bear to be haunted by the look in my beloved children's faces, as they look to me astonished and confused as to why I seem to be failing them when they needed me, most! NO MORE! I say! NO MORE!"
"O' that my beloved babies would make up their minds to walk with me, to wait on me, in true living faith! Do you not understand, that even though you would never say it out loud but, your dead faith stands before me as a monument, making the statement that in your heart, I am deemed as...unfaithful! For surely, your dead faith screams it's accusations at me, even from it's silent tomb!"
"But, I would say unto you, 'It is not true! It is not true, beloved! It is not true! All I ask is that you give me something living to work with; something living for me to consummate with! For I, the Living GOD, am GOD of the living...not the dead! I never intended for you to wait this long! For many of you, it has been too long! I would not see you dying on the vine...again! Let me end your time in the desert, this time! Let me cross you over into what I've promised you…long ago!' "
For look, your season has come upon you again! It is once again your time—your season, to at long last, cross over into the land flowing with milk and honey! And surely, I would see your every tear wiped away! Yes, your every tear dried well as my own!"