I know you are hurting, says the LORD! For surely, I am touched with the very feeling of your infirmity! My tears mingle even with your own! For surely, you do not weep alone, beloved! I hurt with you and for you. And even when you would attempt to harden yourself to shield yourself from your pain, I continue to share and shoulder the burden of your sorrows unto myself, so that I continue to grieve and weep even when you have gone numb. For surely, when you can grieve no more, then I am He that grieves for you. Still, you must continue, my child! You must not give up. Especially now. Not when the time of your restoration is upon you. For, I have already set forth in motion, your deliverance, so that even now it begins to cascade upon you like a gentle rain, watering a parched and wilted flower!
Even now...especially now...stretch forth your pedals and bloom for me, by faith. It would please me that before my refreshing rains fully manifest, that you open wide unto me, the pedals of your faith, and by extension...your heart—in full anticipation of my faithfulness. Yes, receive unto yourself my living rain, my replenishing, my restoration, and my healing...by faith. Yes, by faith, my love. For, I have called you to bloom in my name, in every area of your life, that all may see my manifest glory in your life. Prepare yourself to blossom, even in my name and for my name's sake, that your blossoming might bear witness of me, more than your words alone, ever could. And let the people of the earth bear witness as I lavish you with the emptying out of the fullness of my manifest love upon the many desolate places of your life. And let my lost children see my love for them vicariously through your experience of me, as a prelude of things to come for themselves. And let them be made to realize as they witness my quenching of your thirst, just how desperately thirsty they truly are for Me, as well...that they may gather themselves unto me to see their own great thirst assuaged, through the raining down of my manifest love, unto their lives.
For of a certainty, the barren places of your heart cry out to me incessantly, as a famished baby cries out with all it's strength, for his mommy...to be nursed and comforted at her breast. And surely at the sound of her baby's cries, the mommy's breast begin to leak forth it's life giving milk in anticipation of meeting her her baby's need. So am I towards you my baby, my beloved and beautiful baby. So am I towards you, who are the apple of my eye. For, I can bear your cries, no longer. I am come that I might give you suck, that I might calm your great thirst. Yes, I am come. I am come.
Therefore, in this hour, do not give in to the temptation to give up, and to do things your own way. I am here, with you, now. And surely, my rain...even my living rain...is come.